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Homemade lunch every day

​People is able to be growth by eating and take nourishments. Especially, eating food children is still growing that is not only for growth of body, it also connects in growth of heart. In the nursery, we make originally lunch and snack that are using domestic production. we want children to eat hot and safety lunch. 


childcare at different ages

There is not only same age children, we are doing childcare with different age children. Children is able to learn from each other, and learn for each other. Then, there will be born respect felling, or kind feeling between children. This is necessary for growth of children of emotional side. 


spend in  wood house

Place which children spend everyday. This is why, I think the place needs to be close to nature. The place of wall or floor used domestic production of cedar board. We are always able to smell wood !

​ A fun walk every day

We cherish playing outside. Children love to play outside!! Unless, it is not rainy, we go to walk outside. We are enjoying to walk that are thinking which park we go today 


challenge everything you want

Children is not able to do much byself, but they want to challenge everything they want. Therefore, Our nursery respects their ideas, and make opportunity to challenge for children. If we continue to respect their idea, it will be confidence of children and lead to independence.  

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